Driving Traffic: New Altech Website Speeds Up Transit Staffing, Services

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Updated on: June 7th, 20234 min read
A man uses a smartphone to display Altech’s new website.

With over two decades as a nationally recognized leader in solutions-based field services staffing, Altech Services brings inventive solutions through industry-leading temporary and direct-hire recruitment with outstanding scalability for short- and long-term campaigns.

Altech Services found its website old and antiquated, so it engaged Lounge Lizard Worldwide to design and develop a new website that could present its services in a modern and clean format. In addition, Altech wanted to supercharge its recruitment integrations to meet the challenges of a changing workforce while promoting its diverse services, including inspection and surveillance services and commercial real estate management.

The Altech Services website is shown before and after a redesign by Lounge Lizard.

Communicating the Fast-Paced Nature of Transportation

Working with the Altech leadership team, Lounge Lizard’s design experts (Brandtenders) laid out a website plan that fully integrated the contrasting services offered while focusing on the transit industry as the overarching theme through imagery and video.

 Also critical to the project, Altech has a proud, family-owned history, and it wanted to be sure that its founders’ story was woven into the fabric of the site along with its multi-national client roster and high-visibility projects.

Setting the tone above the fold on the homepage, Lounge Lizard produced a fast-action video clip highlighting the iconic Grand Central Station during a typically busy day. From there, the user experience is defined according to each persona’s needs — transit authority representatives are guided to hiring and benefits solutions, applicants are directed to a full-service careers page with job postings and application integration, and those looking for commercial real estate in the transportation sector are taken to the relevant information.

Developing State of the Art Recruitment

With projects at major transit hubs around the country, Altech is often called upon to provide short and long-term skilled, technical, and non-technical staff on hyper-fast notice. That means they have a fully developed pipeline of candidates that is constantly evolving and updating.

Lounge Lizard’s development team created a state-of-the-art recruitment page focused on the entire recruitment process. This effort ensured Altech could capture the maximum number of applicants and keep their clients fully staffed.

This new Altech Services website features a robust and user-friendly careers page with a photo of building windows overlayed with a blue filter.

Speed Personified

Another challenge met by the development team was integrating the complex videos and animations into the website while maintaining speed and mobile responsiveness. Using a mix of tech-forward development techniques, Brandtenders ensured the new Altech Services’ website averages a speed page index rating of 97, which will also help them rank on Google’s search engine results pages.

Freshly launched, Altech Services’ website is beautiful and clean, with a well-organized flow allowing users to find information quickly. The buzzy videos and animations give the site movement and interest, while the careers page is elevated for a relaxed user experience and can be easily updated as opportunities are filled.

Talk with Lounge Lizard today if your organization would benefit from a freshly conceived website design, updated brand strategy, or digital marketing activities.

Published on: June 5th, 2023

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Driving Traffic: New Altech Website Speeds Up Transit Staffing, Services
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