Launch of New Brand and Intuitive Website for Ontrak a Huge Success

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Updated on: December 26th, 20213 min read
Ontrak website design

With a far-reaching mission to make the world a healthier place, Ontrak needed a hot new brand and gorgeous website to match its innovative approach to behavioral health and generating cost savings for healthcare payers. Lounge Lizard was the perfect partner with their deep knowledge of intuitive website development and creative team of marketing specialists and Brandtenders.

Kicking off the project, Lounge Lizard’s Brandtenders and Mixologists created a bold new brand strategy that included a cutting-edge brand logo paired with an energizing color palette that would unite their website and marketing materials, as well as create a seamless vision of Ontrak’s mission.

Next, they built a story around Ontrak’s decidedly unique selling proposition where a multi-channel website would work seamlessly providing site visitors with their desired experience.

For healthcare plan providers, that would mean a journey through their core services and opportunities for improved patient care and cost savings. For the patients, an all-inclusive portal experience that guided them through Ontrak’s care structure. And, finally, for investors and the industry, a thought leadership realm that was state-of-the-art.

With Lounge Lizard’s infinite background in design and development and quintessential knowledge in bringing a company’s brand, voice, and unique selling perspectives (USPs) together into a tangible, intuitive UI/UX experience, Ontrak’s site included:

  • Creative click paths that guided potential customers to specific content and increased sales lead conversions.
  • Visually relevant representations of statistical hallmarks, as well as modules and videos that encouraged visitor interactivity.
  • Mobile-friendly design and forward-looking SEO in keeping with current Google algorithms and standards.

The result was a massively impactful website that positioned the company in a fresh and exciting way. Lounge Lizard’s design and development team exceeded Ontrak’s expectations by creating a site that was transformational to their business and helped to take their message to a wider audience.

If your company’s brand and website would benefit from a marketing-forward repositioning, contact Lounge Lizard to learn more about our services today.

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Published on: August 16th, 2021

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Launch of New Brand and Intuitive Website for Ontrak a Huge Success
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