How Do You Choose The Content To Share On Social Media?

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Olga Pechnikova5 min read
How do you choose the content to share on social media

Did you know that the content you share on social media platforms affects your brand perception? That is why it is very important to not simply post or share something just for the purpose of posting. So how do you choose the content to share on Social Media? As one of the more experienced website development companies on the block we would like to weigh in on the subject.

Posting just for posting sake is not a good strategy for a business. Not only do you want to focus on content that represents your brand identity properly, but you also want to share things that your audience cares about.

Here are our tips on how to do just that:

Tips for Content Sharing on Social Media

• Know your audience – Social media is about connecting with people in the virtual world. You are looking to start a conversation with people, which isn’t always easy if you don’t know much about them. It’s like being at a cocktail party and knowing nothing about the people there. How do you choose a good topic to discuss? Take the time to learn about who you are trying to reach, what they are interested in, what kind of problems they have, and what they think is interesting or entertaining – then start talking.

• Focus on them – For some businesses all posts are about them; their products, their goals, their accomplishments. Remember, since this is social media you need to focus on your audiences needs most of the time. When you are regularly doing that and have created an engaging situation then it is perfectly fine to slip in your marketing content pieces as well.

• Stay true to you – You work hard to forge an identity for your business and that needs to stay the same whether someone walks into your office, reads a tweet or sees a post from you on Facebook. Your brand identity is created based on everything you do so make sure that social media shares match your desired identity.

• Find emotional appeal – Emotional connections are very strong connections and emotions certainly factor into decision making. Make sure to share things that will make people feel something.

• Share relevant content – Content should be timely, topical, and relevant to your audience. What is the point of sharing content about your favorite summer places in NYC when your audience is mostly based in Montana?

• Use images and video – Great images or infographics along with interesting videos can really capture attention on social platforms.

• Stay positive – Typically the most shared types of content have a positive vibe, conveying laughter, amusement, awe, or inspiration. While there is a place for anger and sadness, on your social platforms might not be the best outlet.

• Don’t over post – Posting too much or too often easily can turn your feed into noise to be ignored. Instead look to be the business that when you post people are excited to see what you have to say. Also do you know when your audience frequents your social media platforms? For example, if you post at 8 a.m. on Saturday when most people frequent the platform at 9 a.m. on Monday you are missing the window.

The bottom line is that social networks provide a wonderful place to connect with your customers, but you need to do it the right way if you want to forge a strong bond. Taking the time to learn how you should choose the content to share on social media is more important than actually posting because these tips will help you to rise above the noise your competitors are making and actually provide interesting content they want to engage with.

Be sure to check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for great new Lounge Lizard blog articles.

Published on: June 17th, 2016
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How Do You Choose The Content To Share On Social Media?
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