5 Quick Tips to Boost Your Social Media Strategy

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Sharon Sexton4 min read
5 quick tips to boost your social media strategy

You simply can’t ignore the power of social media in today’s world. As a top web development company we understand the value social media brings to a business for marketing when utilized properly. To help you get more out of your efforts, we wanted to share these 5 Quick Tips to boost your social media strategy. After all, every extra click and share leads to more conversions for your business!

5 Quick Tips to Boost Social Media

  • Avoid this Twitter Mistake – When you start a Tweet with a username, like @LoungeLizard, the only people who will see the Tweet are the sender, the username and anyone who follows both Yes people can then re-Tweet messages to get them out to a larger following but the initial idea is that when you send a Tweet you want it to go out to the timelines of all of your followers. You can fix that be either 1) not leading a Tweet with a username or 2) placing a period before the username when leading with it like “.@Loungelizard”.
  • Follow/Favorite/Like Audience Boosters – Anyone who re-Tweets your articles, shares them, or in any way helps you promote your material on social media sites should in turn be followed, favorite, etc. In this way you can easily grow your audience, building and expanding your reach in a very organic manner.
  • Read the Rules – Every social media site has guidelines. Sometimes these guidelines change without fanfare while other times there are big announcements made. Regardless of things being announced, you should regularly read the rules of any social media site you are using. This helps prevent an accidental breach of guidelines and also ensures you are up-to-date on changes that you can then leverage for maximum exposure. Simply add a recurring calendar reminder to check each platform on a specific day of the week like Facebook on Friday and Twitter on Tuesday for changes.
  • Be Where your Audience Is – Some people make the mistake of either trying to be on every social media platform or only being on the ones they are comfortable with. Both can be mistakes depending on where your audience lives online. For example, if you have a fantastic Facebook presence but the majority of your audience uses Instagram then that is a lot of wasted effort promoting and building on a platform with little return. Do some research and confirm where your target audience is on social media first and then do your best to run campaigns on the top two or three platforms they like to maximize your time and effectiveness.
  • Learn Why your Audience uses a Platform – So your audience loves Facebook. Why? Is it because they love scrolling through news stories? Do they like the Live Video aspect? Finding out why people use a platform then allows you to tailor your message within that platform so you can reach people in a way that increases engagement.

The bottom line is that social media platforms are extremely popular and offer a great way to connect with your target audience. Our 5 quick tips to boost your social media strategy can be applied to just about every business and can help you have more success with your social media marketing.

Be sure to check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for great new Lounge Lizard blog articles.

Published on: April 3rd, 2017
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