3 Killer Lead Generation Strategies for Local Companies

Local companies face multiple challenges when it comes to marketing. Aside from competing against other local and small businesses, they also have to fight for customers against online giants such as Amazon. That is why lead generation should be a regular focus. As a top digital marketing firm, we want to share 3 Killer Lead Generation Strategies for local companies that will help keep those local customers aware of what you have to offer.
Killer Lead Generation Strategies
- Try Facebook Targeted Ads – Sometimes smaller businesses avoid using bigger platforms because they don’t necessarily realize the impact which that platform can have at the local level. Yes, not all of Facebook’s 4 billion users are going to be local to you, but when you consider that the global population is 7.7 billion people that means about 1 out of every 3 people in your community will have an account. That means, statistically Facebook is the best platform to use to connect with potential customers. With its excellent targeting options, a business can aim for their specific audience quite easily. With different ads options, there is something that will work for every business.
- Add Local Landing Pages – A local business should take advantage of that aspect on their website by using localized landing pages. In many instances, local landing pages can rank highly in SERPs simply because of the location of the searcher. This is especially important when you have multiple offices within an area. For example, if you are a small mortgage company and you have four total branches in an area, each branch should have a local landing page for the city they reside in. By taking the time to maximize your local SEO, you can outrank larger companies that have less of a local presence. These local landing pages should be used with specific marketing and ad campaigns to help build traffic to the page. They should also align with Google Business Listings and social media profiles.
- Use Both Contests and Giveaways – When you are a local company, it is important to realize ways to use your “localness” to your advantage. Contests and giveaways are both good choices because local customers will have a better chance of winning compared to entering nationwide and regional contents. The key to effectively using this strategy is to create prizes directly related to the products or services your business offers. That way the leads you will generate are going to more likely to convert. Often a business will make a big splash with a contest with a great prize. For example, a 40-inch flat-screen tv will appeal to a large audience. But how much of that audience will then want to do business with your auto parts store? Those leads will, for the most part, be cold. Make sure to start small when it comes to prizes and cross-promote both contests and winners on social media and your website. Why should you start small? You want to build up the audience first before spending a larger piece of the budget on prizes.
The Bottom Line
The bottom line is that it is difficult to be competitive on the local level. Lead generation is important for businesses of all types and sizes, but especially so for local companies. Facing so much competition, it is critical to consistently be looking for new leads. Our 3 Killer Lead Generation Strategies for local companies can help with that. Just make sure to be consistent using them for a regular flow of new business.
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