Lounge Lizard Launches New WoW Media Site

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Updated on: June 25th, 20202 min read

Lounge Lizard Launches New WoW Media Site

WoW Media Network has partnered with Lounge Lizard Worldwide to launch a newly designed website for their brand. WoW Media is the biggest, and only company that sells premium, full-motion digital billboard ad space located in Los Angeles, California. The company also boasts spots for specialty artists to showcase digital illustrative works on the billboards. View the website HERE

Project Scope:

WoW Media Network contacted Lounge Lizard in April 2020 looking to launch  a newly designed, fresh site by June 2020. The objective for this project was to develop a newly styled website that would allow its users to locate information, view case studies, and contact the WoW Media Team with ease.

Lounge Lizard Worldwide is globally recognized as a top web designer, developer, and digital marketing agency. “Best of Breed since 1998,” they employ some of the most creative, tech-savvy, and passionate people in the industry which allows them to develop innovative strategies, award-winning web design, and craft creative applications for both startups and established clients in all industries.

Published on: June 25th, 2020

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Lounge Lizard Launches New WoW Media Site
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