Why Content Marketing And SEO Are Like Two Peas In A Pod

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Olga Pechnikova5 min read
Why content marketing and seo are like two peas in a pod

It can get confusing in the online marketing world with terms and buzzwords flying around like bees after someone bumped their hive. To help clear up some of the confusion today we wanted to discuss why content marketing and SEO are like two peas in a pod. As a top website development company we would to share our thoughts on how SEO and content marketing fit together.

While some articles have been written that talk about how content marketing replaces SEO or how the two strategies are at odds with each other, it is our position that your goal should be to have the two ideas work together in harmony to help grow your business.

 The Ultimate Tag Team

Search engine optimization is a complex process with the goal of maximizing the number of visitors to a website. It involves multiple methods of work including use of proper technical practices within your website along with off-page promotion.

Content marketing is a strategic form of marketing that primarily focuses on creating content online such as blogs, videos, infographics and the like that will garner interest in a business, its products and/or its services. Social media plays an important role in content marketing for many brands.

Now when you consider the basic definitions of each idea, it makes zero sense that one would ever replace the other or that your business should only use one or the other for promotion. In fact, there is enough overlap between the two that it makes zero sense to not utilize them together.

Content marketing and SEO are like two peas in a pod.

  • Successful SEO is in part based on the use of content. Content marketing is the creation of content to meet specific goals.
  • Content marketing creates content focused around keywords. A building block of SEO is keywords.
  • SEO benefits from links back to your site. Content marketing helps create links back to your site.
  • Content marketing is at its most effective when creating and implementing consistent, fresh content. SEO benefits from regular, fresh content.

Bringing Them Together

As the two concepts do overlap so much, bringing them together from the onset will help create a more cohesive plan for success. Here are some ways you can look at integrating the two:

  • Common Goals – Consider what activities overlap and then focus on common goals for both to maximize efforts.
  • Keyword Data – Content should be created using keyword data. Start with the keywords you want to target and then create content around both that and things your target customers will find interesting and want to read.
  • Focus on Quality – Some people incorrectly think that quantity outweighs quality, but it doesn’t anymore when it comes to SEO and content marketing. High quality pieces of content will provide more links, better reach, and higher rankings.
  • Crosslink Content – Your SEO and Content Marking efforts should result in multiple content locations such as on your website, on social media sites, guest posts and more. It is important that you do your best to crosslink this content both on your site and off it to ensure all pages are being indexed and working together for rankings .
  • FAQs – If your products or services generate a lot of questions or concerns then not only should your website have a FAQs section, but it should also be looked at as an opportunity. Asking customers about questions and concerns then opens the door for you to post answers, both of which can utilize long-tail search terms and provide additional search traffic.
  • Link Building – Link building is a great way to increase your content’s effectiveness and value.
  • Don’t Stop – The last item on the list is one of the most important; don’t stop in your efforts! Both SEO and Content Marketing are practices that need to be worked on regularly to build and maintain rankings.

The bottom line is that content marketing and SEO are like two peas in a pod. Taking the time to learn how the two concepts overlap can then help you shape a more productive combined plan of attack moving forward. At the end of the day your goal should be increased rankings and reach which ultimately results in more conversions and using SEO together with Content Marketing can help get you there.

Be sure to check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for great new Lounge Lizard blog articles.


Published on: May 19th, 2017
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Why Content Marketing And SEO Are Like Two Peas In A Pod
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