Using the right SEO Tools

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Ken Braun6 min read
Using the right seo tools

The saying goes, “A craftsman is only as good as his tools.” While this saying should be updated to include her tools as well, the concept still remains the same and is very relevant in the world of Search Engine Optimization. In today’s ever advancing technological landscape, it takes knowledge to be effective. You get that important knowledge by using SEO tools.

So what are the best tools to use? Well there are a lot of choices available. It can almost be like hitting Sears during a Father’s Day sale because there are so many options out there each with its own function and purpose. The internet is full of data and most of the time it is just a matter of learning how to categorize it to track what is important to you at a particular time.

The list we have compiled features some of the best new options out there and certainly has things you should consider having in your toolbox. Even if you aren’t going to use them today, it is smart to be aware of them and their capabilities in case you need them.

Top 10 New SEO Tools

  1. Bing Webmaster Tools – Does this feel wrong to head away from Google? Just take a deep breath; it will be okay. What they have that is very useful is a keyword tool that allows you to show you how many clicks you received from that particular keyword along with how often it appeared in a search and the click-through rate.
  2. Google Keyword Planner – Say goodbye to the Google Adwords Keyword tool, but in its place we have a new option. The new planner will have pretty much what the old tool did along with more options expected in the future.
  3. Ubersuggest – Not sure what to use for keywords? Well this is a great tool for you. This is a simple way to get various suggestions to expand your word choices. Go to the website, follow the simple directions, and suddenly you have more words to utilize.
  4. Getstat – This is a great program for collecting ranking data at the regional level and tracking keywords in a way that can be more important for businesses that might want to target more specific areas.
  5. Social Crawlytics – Funny name but this is a power tool you need to have. With social sharing becoming more important, this tool crawls your site and provides page by page metrics which can help you understand how your site fits into the social picture.
  6. Topsy – This is a search engine that gives results based on mentions from social platforms like Google+ or Twitter. This is a great way to see if something is trending in real time. You can type in your website name and see what pops up.
  7. Check My Links – A great Google offering, this time from Chrome, really helps deal with broken links quickly and efficiently. This is one of those tools you should use weekly or monthly at the bare minimum.
  8. Ahrefs – Need to monitor your links and get accurate data about what they are actually doing for you? This toolset is very powerful and can give you some serious data for those who utilize a lot of backlinks.
  9. Bing SEO Analyzer – Another sweet option in the Bing Webmaster Tools, this tool can quickly identify issues on pages, highlighting them. This could be something simple like a header error.
  10. SEO Spider – This site crawler can help you find things like missing Google Analytics tracking code or SEO accessibility issues. By using something like this weekly to check for issues, you can stay on top of large sites easily looking for small errors that can add up.

There are a lot of great tools out there that you need to be aware of. Many of them, like some of these on this list, are very user friendly with easy to use interface options that allow managers and owners to take advantage of them.

If you want to make the most of your webpage then you need to constantly pay attention to what is happening with not only it, but the internet in general. It used to be that you could have your site set-up and then not worry about it for six months or more, but in today’s world things change all the time and you need to stay on top of them if you want to maximize your opportunities and that means having good tools at your disposal and using them.


Published on: August 2nd, 2013
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Using the right SEO Tools
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