Top 5 Tips For Choosing A Fashionable Domain Name

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Ken Braun5 min read
Top 5 tips for choosing a fashionable domain name

Choosing a domain name is a lot like getting a tattoo; you should be a bit selective because it is either going to last a long time or be a pain to change. As a website design company that has been in the business over a decade, we understand the importance of this choice which is why we wanted to share the Top 5 Tips for choosing a fashionable domain name that we provide to all of our clients.

There are quite a few important things everyone should consider before picking a domain name regardless of whether you have a new business freshly hatched or an existing brand that is ready for a strong web presence.

Whatever the reason why you need a domain, these tips apply to any and all situations. So, let’s get to it!

5 Tips for choosing a Domain Name

  • Keep it short – A long name of any sort is hard to remember, which is exactly what you don’t want when it comes to your domain. Plus the longer it is the more likely someone might misspell it.
  • Keep it easy to say and type – When you want someone to share the name of your domain they should not get tongue tied with the pronunciation. Also you shouldn’t be using “cute” variations on spelling of words, using hyphens or numbers, or anything else that can cause someone to not find you. “Big-1” versus “Bigone” is a basic example.
  • Make it memorable – There are millions of domains out there so it makes sense to have a memorable name. It helps to try and related the name to what it is you actually do as a business as well. Some names are too bland and boring but it is a fine line between unique and hard to remember.
  • Make it brandable – You want your name to sound like something real; your brand. The problem with some names like “Going4broke” is that they look almost generic even though it is unique. You want a powerful name that is something you can easily market and is not generic which gets easily lost in the shuffle. “SoundLabs” or “Gamestop” are names that use generic terms combined in a way that is interesting and brandable.
  • Aim for .com – While there are a bunch of new TLD extensions that have just been released, the smart money still says focus on domains ending in “.com” because they are simply more recognizable. Recognition is important to processing fluency, which is the ease with which information is processed by our brains. In general the easier it is the more memorable.

Don’t forget to research

While you are performing these steps it is important to do your research. There are millions of domains already in existence and you need to be careful when you are considering yours. You don’t want to confuse your domain with something similar and you also don’t want to step on an existing trademark.

For the case of infringement, remember it’s not whether or not you would be confused, but if a judge might consider you are purposely trying to confuse someone else with your name selection. You also don’t want something that is in use even if it is a “.net” or “.org” because that can be confusing for people either looking for you or looking for them.

The bottom line is that having a great domain name is just as important as the name you choose for your business; it should take a lot of thought and ample consideration. These top 5 tips for choosing a fashionable domain name should help you craft an identity on the web that you can be proud of, promotes your brand and fits your business.

Be sure to check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for great new Lounge Lizard blog articles.


Published on: August 5th, 2016
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