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EuroSort Systems

Responsive Website Design & Development, Web Design, Web Development, Website Redesign Services, WordPress Development / B2B, Manufacturing, Technology

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EuroSort Systems is a multinational corporation based in Amsterdam founded in 2001 that specializes in designing, manufacturing, and installing high-speed unit sortation and product movement systems. Their products are used for order fulfillment, postal sorting, store replenishment, and returns in a wide variety of industries, including pharmaceuticals, printed materials, mail, and e-Commerce. As a worldwide leader in manufacturing state-of-the-art split tray sorters and push tray sorters, EuroSort builds flexible and robust systems using their ‘plug and play’ design that enhances results for their customers. With projects across Europe and the United States, EuroSort encourages its customers to challenge them to find solutions that optimize their systems while being more efficient, cost-effective, space-saving, and productivity-boosting than their competitors.


Eurosort before
Eurosort after
Technology used: WordPress


As we sat down with EuroSort to discuss their overall vision for a new website, it became clear the new design would need to be more streamlined and do a better job of representing who EuroSort is and what they provide. Aside from relatively few ‘Calls to Action’ on the existing site, the other pain points included:

  • A lack of information highlighting their technical capabilities and innovation.
  • The website was difficult to navigate and didn’t showcase their brand or products and, therefore, failed to generate an adequate number of leads.
  • The site didn’t create a sense of urgency or assuredness that theirs is the ‘right product.’
  • The site failed to demonstrate their ‘plug and play’ simplicity or that EuroSort products are easy to install, operate, and maintain.
  • And last, they had put together a comprehensive library of assets that included videos, 3D renderings, and imagery, but the existing website was too technologically stifled to make proper use of the resources.

As a general note, the site would need to meet the multi-lingual challenges of audiences in Europe and North America and be translatable into English (U.S. and U.K.), Dutch, Spanish, and German.

Last, and perhaps most important, EuroSort was fully committed to an accessible site that met or exceeded all the requirements put forth by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the Website Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and the EU-based General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

With clearly defined deliverables, the Lounge Lizard website design and development teams were ready to create a site that met and exceeded the client’s goals and expectations. They started with a rebranding phase that laid out the overall landscape and guided the user experience.


In collaboration with the client, Lounge Lizard’s experts began designing a site that would bring flexibility and adaptability through the use of a custom WordPress site with specially-tailored modules and functionality.

EuroSort felt it was essential to be able to add pages and posts easily, as well as integrate their third-party SEO providers. A WordPress site allowed that, plus the ability to check for duplicate content, run analytics and do myriad other tasks.

Lounge Lizard’s design team worked collaboratively with the development group to craft a robust and comprehensive site plan. The site plan needed to be adaptable for multiple sites in the future if the company decided to offer several sites in different markets, e.g., Europe versus the U.S. Each market has unique product offerings, and this needed to be conveyed within the site structure.

Once a site plan was finalized and the rebranding process settled on color and layout, the design team developed pages that used EuroSort’s integrated videos, highlighted products, and distinct CTAs to create a cohesive look and feel.

With Lounge Lizard’s highly experienced UI/UX designers, the site captured a fluid pace and movement that led visitors down the page and to the conversion point.

The design team worked in conjunction with EuroSort on the content and created a crucial element in a strong About Us Page. It was important to highlight the organization, history, and innovative practices that EuroSort felt were lacking on the current page. Also, it created an opportunity to showcase leadership and their positive partner interaction.

Another challenge met was improving the EuroSort Careers Page to recruit top talent in Europe and, eventually, North America. Like so many companies, EuroSort was feeling the pinch of labor shortages brought around by the pandemic. They wanted their new site to be an effective tool in finding and attracting high-quality talent.

Once the design phase was complete, the Lounge Lizard development team stepped in to bring it all to life. They not only were able to give tangible results to the overall design vision, but they did it in multiple languages.

Beyond developing the site pages and functionality, the development group added built-in marketing capabilities, such as Mailchimp for email marketing, newsletter signup, and analytics, to guide future marketing efforts.

In combination, both the design and development teams worked in tandem to meet the challenge of multinational accessibility. With both U.S. and European governing bodies dictating the parameters, both teams worked with third-party contractor Accessible 360 to provide the attributes necessary for a seamless and fully-functional site that would be accessible to all.


In terms of Google’s Core Web Vitals and page metrics, the First Input Delay and Cumulative Layout Shift were good to excellent. The Core Web Vitals report shows how your web pages perform based on real-world usage data.
Overall, EuroSort’s leadership team was extremely pleased with the look and feel of the new site and the initial response from visitors.


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On-Page SEO Score
Achieved ADA & EAA Compliance
Expand Reach
Multilingual Website Attracts Wider Audience


Lounge Lizard Brandtenders and Marketing Mixologists always serve up custom concoctions. We mix a potent combination of brand story telling with a generous splash of creative juices and blend in technology-focused, customized solutions as a chaser.

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