

(AMP) Email Marketing

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) Email Marketing

AMP isn’t just for websites. Google’s open-source AMP framework enables websites to create user-first experience across different web platforms. As AMP use expanded, so has its use cases. You can now create immersive and interactive visual AMP stories, fast and safe AMP ads, and send dynamic and interactive AMP emails.

AMP has built-in performance optimization components. With similar functionality as AMP for a website but with additional components that bring the website experience to email.

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What is AMP Email?

Similar with AMP for websites, AMP for email serves as another version of the plain text and HTML email. Only email clients that support AMP (Gmail, Yahoo Mail, Outlook, and will send the AMP version of the email to users.

AMP for email components will enable you to send rich emails with dynamic content and app functionality built into the email itself. Users can interact with dynamic content (forms, lists, etc.), presentation elements (sidebar, carousel, etc.), and media elements (image and animation) – all within the body email. This is possible through an AMPHTML components subset designed specifically for emails.

Aside from making content interactive and actionable, AMP components enable you to update content – something that is not possible with static emails. And as interactivity continues to be one of the top email design trends, AMP for email offers a seamless framework that does not only provide interactivity features but also performance optimization.


Email Marketing and AMP Services Rolled Into One

Email marketing is one of the most effective marketing strategies. Studies show that email marketing is 40 times more effective than social media marketing. Several of the advantageous aspects of email marketing include high reach and delivery rate (more than 90 percent of online users use email), user preference (72 percent of users) prefer receiving promotional content via email), cost-effectiveness, and higher (also faster) sales conversions. Its main focus is to create brand awareness, re-engagement existing customers, and retain customers.

It is effective, it is cheap email marketing is not foolproof. Lounge Lizard has a long experience in email marketing and we know well how it can look deceptively easy. In the past, we have experience working with clients that don’t know what they are doing wrong and some who don’t know how to take email marketing to the next level.

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AMP Boasts Unique Capabilities

This is where AMP email marketing comes in. The new capabilities that AMP email offers enable you to expand what you can do with promotional emails, change the way you present email content, and enhance engagement opportunities for users. Gone is the day of basic, static emails that encourage users to click outgoing links and interactive elements that more often than not, fail to load properly. You can now create emails wherein users can browse a catalog of new product releases, manage subscriptions, take action on a limited offer, and receive an update on the availability of the said offer.

As we delve deeper on the capabilities of AMP for email, you’ll immediately notice that several of the limitations of static email create gaps in your sales funnel that increase the chances of losing a potential customer to a broken link, an offer that already expired, or interactive elements that don’t work as they should.


The Lounge Lizard Advantage

AMP for email is a relatively new implementation of a technology that is not even a decade old. While investing in a new technology sounds like a great risk, Lounge Lizard invests in knowledge and experience so that you won’t have to take a leap of faith.

Our team of experienced professional email marketers knows what it takes for an email marketing campaign to succeed. It takes in-depth knowledge of marketing strategies and trends, audience insight, flexibility to adapt to new tools and technologies, and a strong drive to deliver the best results possible.

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