Cooperative Elevator Website Design Wins GOLD at the 2018 W3 Awards

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Updated on: March 29th, 20223 min read
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Cooperative Elevator Website Design Wins GOLD at the 2018 W3 Awards

New York, October 2018 – Lounge Lizard Worldwide, Inc. is one of the Gold Award winners in the recently concluded 13th annual W3 Awards. The company won under the General Website Categories- Associations for the design work on the Cooperative Elevator website.

Click Here to See the Winning Website

Lounge Lizard worked on two websites for Cooperative Elevator Co.: a customer-facing site and a grower data portal. The approach for both websites was highly visual and dynamic. The imagery and overall aesthetics reflect the cooperative’s history and vision of fostering long-term relationships with customers and the community.

The two websites allow the over century-old Co-Op Elevator to catch up with technology trends and match the operations of modern agricultural cooperatives. The website will allow both customers and growers easy access to digital resources.

The customer-facing site effectively presents how the cooperative sources, handles, stores, and transports their products. The site highlights a unique operation that is distinct from the operation of corporate-owned farms. The grower portal empowers the cooperative’s grower-producers with market news and updates, market trends, weather forecasts, cooperative services access, and DTN text messages.

About Lounge Lizard

Lounge Lizard Worldwide, Inc. provides customized digital marketing solutions that combine creativity and technology. The company’s services include marketing strategy, brand identity design, UI/UX design, website development, web app development, mobile app development, social media, and search engine optimization.

About Cooperative Elevator

Cooperative Elevator Co. (Co-Op Elevator) had been around since 1915 as an agricultural cooperative. It is currently owned by 1,115 family-operated farms in Michigan and North Dakota. With headquarters in Pigeon, Michigan the cooperative harvests, processes, and transports high-quality grains, beans, and organic crops to family tables across the USA, Canada, Central America, Mexico, Brazil, England, Europe, and Africa.

As a B2C and B2B corporate website, Co-Op Elevator showcases their products; their work on agronomy, grain marketing, dry bean marketing, quality assurance, and energy sales; their sustainable practices, and their impact to the communities that they serve.

About the W3 Awards

The W3 Awards is an Academy of Interactive and Visual Arts (AIVA) sanctioned and judged web competition. It honors outstanding agencies, designers and creators of websites, advertising & marketing, online video, mobile sites/apps, and social content/marketing.

The criteria for judging websites include usability, functionality, ease of use, creativity, navigation, and visual design. “Associations” is one of the general website categories and covers websites dedicated to industry and trade associations and special interest groups.

Published on: October 14th, 2018

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Cooperative Elevator Website Design Wins GOLD at the 2018 W3 Awards
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