The App Development Tips Article You Need To Read

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Sharon Sexton5 min read
The app development tips article you need to read

It is hard being a mobile app developer because there is a lot of competition out there to try and build a top grossing app in any category. Regardless of how much experience you or your firm might have, there is always room for improvement in the business world such as learning or at least reviewing tips and ideas. With that being said, this is the app development tips article you need to read.

Knowledge is important as it can make up for a lack of experience. Also even the most experienced person occasionally can benefit from a refresher or reminder about ideas they might have overlooked when creating their process.

Our App Development Tips

  • Market Research – Understanding your market is a must before the design process even begins. Yes there are the rare examples of hit apps with zero market research but those examples are just that – rare. You need to understand what is already on the market, the strength and weaknesses of those products, and to look for potential problem areas.
  • New and Unique – There needs to be something new or unique about your app from new features, ability to do something in a better way, etc. Why should a consumer want your app over other ones that are out there? What is your selling point?
  • Marketing with Building – Marketing is an absolute key to the success of your app and the planning of your marketing campaign should take place from day one, being completely integrated with building. Not only can you then plan ahead for things like push notifications related to marketing but your also will have time to build up a pre-launch following and excitement for the app.
  • User Needs – If you can understand and then build for many of your user’s needs then you are increasing the chance of success for your app by tenfold. What is it they are trying to accomplish via your app? How does it do it in a way that is easy or convenient?
  • Fast Loading – Speed is what you need in the app game and that means designing with an eye for the fastest load times possible. Not only do fast load times create a great first impression, but users who are forced to wait get bored and can get distracted easily. Heck, they might even think your app hung up and go find another one instead – yikes! So look to increase load times even at the expense of an unnecessary feature.
  • Consider Pricing – Pricing an app is difficult. There really is no perfect price point, so thinking about this up front is important. Your market research should have uncovered what the ‘other guys’ are doing and based on your users needs you should have a good idea of the target demographic. If you are going to use a free model how will you create revenue? This directly relates to both building and marketing and should be an upfront decision.
  • Test Relentlessly – Test, test, test and then test some more. The more you test pre-launch the better your product will be. Testing helps uncover technical problems as well as user likes and dislikes all of which can be adjusted prior to launch for a better user experience and reviews of your product.

The bottom line is that app development is a difficult process and a very competitive field. You should look for any advantage you can to ensure you are putting the best product on the market means digesting this app development tips article and applying what you want to your process to make you more successful

Be sure to check back every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for great new Lounge Lizard blog articles.

Published on: February 6th, 2017
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