Great Ideas for Instagram Posts for Higher Engagement

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Updated on: January 6th, 2023Sharon Sexton6 min read
Instagram Posts

It can be tough developing ideas for new content, especially at the beginning of the week. Most people have had busy weekends and getting creative early on a Monday can be next to impossible no matter how much coffee you try and drown yourself with. As a top web development company, we can definitely sympathize which is why we wanted to share some great ideas for Instagram posts.

This popular social media platform is a great way to share content and engage audiences if you are posting regularly.

If you aren’t currently using IG or are having a hard time finding success, make sure to check out our blog post on Tips to Instagram Success to help you get going. Now, on to the ideas!

Engaging Ideas for Instagram Posts

  • Artistic Posts – At its core, Instagram is an art-fueled platform. The photos are the star of the show, not the subject in many cases. Following that logic explains why art-style posts involving drawings, sketches, or other types of art can quickly become viral hits.
  • Memes – Memes are a great idea on social media platforms. When used properly, they can connect with an audience like nothing else on the internet and often provide a nice spark of humor. An excellent choice for Instagram posts.
  • Tutorials – There are numerous things every business can teach someone from how to master the art of eyebrow makeup to changing the spark plugs on a 57’ Chevy. Using Layout you can easily combine multiple photos into a single image which is a perfect fit for creating tutorials.
  • Events – Events can be traditional holidays, fun holidays like Cinco de Mayo, or even some of those made-up events like National Bacon Day. If they are relevant to your industry or audience then join in the celebration with an engaging Instagram post.
  • Product Launches – Instagram is a great platform for product launches because the medium of pictures fits so well with just about any new product, service or upgrade. Launches can also be used over multiple posts if you take the time to build up excitement with teasers before launching.
  • Product Features – Similar to launches, using IG for features allows a way to showcase all the ways products can be used, associate products with specific values, and also provide useful tips.
  • Contests – Always a fun choice, contests, and giveaways are a fantastic way to ramp up engagement and connect with your audience. Obviously, retail brands will greatly benefit from this idea but other industries can as well with a little creativity. Just make sure the prize is desirable and people will participate. Most people still talk about Starbucks #WhiteCupContest and that was from four years ago.
  • User Content – Having users provide content is a win-win situation. To start with, that is one less piece of content to create. Secondly, it provides a form of social proof to other customers and potential customers in that a real person is endorsing this product so it must work. Last but not least it can also help turn users into brand ambassadors.
  • Quotes“A quotation is a handy thing to have about, saving one the trouble of thinking for oneself, always a laborious business.” ~A.A. Milne. There are numerous great sites you can find quotes at. Pick quotes that match the tone and concept of your brand.
  • Behind the Curtain – You can take the time to feature employees or show what goes on behind the scenes at your business. People are often curious to learn more about a business or brand they regularly engage with. You can even offer a sneak peek at products or ideas that aren’t quite ready for release.
  • Promotions – Sort of a no brainer, but it still needs to be on the list. Sales offers and special promotions should always be promoted across multiple platforms including IG. Is your summer sale just around the corner? Let people in your feed know so they can plan for it!
  • Great Apps – Everyone uses apps and more than likely most of your IG followers are using the app to check out your posts. Therefore it is a natural idea to showcase or share great new apps that have helped improve your life or improve productivity.
  • Ask a Question – This is a great way to start up a conversation and increase engagement. You can do something product related such as a craft beer company asking what type of beer they should brew next.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is that engaging people isn’t always easy, especially when you find yourself running low on gas in the creativity department. Even when your juices are flowing, it still isn’t easy to keep your feed constantly fresh. This list of great ideas for Instagram posts can help spark ideas to ensure that your posts stay new and interesting to keep people engaged and coming back for more.

Be sure to check back every week for great new Lounge Lizard blog articles.

Published on: May 7th, 2018
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Great Ideas for Instagram Posts for Higher Engagement
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