10 Hot Tips For Your Instagram Ad Campaigns

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Updated on: August 23rd, 2022Sharon Sexton6 min read
10 hot tips for your instagram ad campaigns

Instagram is growing by leaps and bounds, making it an ideal marketing platform which is why we decided to gather together 10 Hot Tips for you Instagram Ad Campaigns to help you start the new year off right.

Why Instagram? Well aside from the massive growth, more and more businesses are looking at Instagram as a viable marketing outlet because of the options you can utilize. Rather than being the type of business that chases a trend, it makes more sense to be one that rides the wave so let’s get to it!

10 Hot Tips for Instagram

  • Pick Actionable Hashtags – Proper hashtag selection is a must. A good hashtag will have a home on more than just Instagram. It can spread to Twitter and Pinterest as well. The hashtag itself must be actionable as in people will be taking said action and then will want to share it with other. There are a lot of great examples out there of businesses large and small picking just the right hashtag for everything from eating to shopping to exercising that people want to include themselves in.
  • Relate but Stay Relative – One common mistake that is made on social media is that whoever controls the account might try too hard to relate with consumers and other users which can cause a loss of identity. Remember, your social media accounts are supposed to be a reflection of your brand. So just because you know your users love cute cat pictures should you start posting them even though it has absolutely nothing to do with your business? The answer is no. Instead the focus would be finding a way to incorporate the perfect cat picture with a tagline that somehow relates what your business does such as a financial planner that posts a picture of a kitten sleeping on a couch with a tagline of, “You can sleep without a care in the world when you know HHM is planning your financial future.”
  • Post Just Enough – They say absence makes the heart grow fonder which are wise words that can be applied to social media sites. Make sure that you are posting just enough to keep interest and engagement high but not so much that people become bored and tune you out. It is a fine line to walk. The best way to start is with a small number of posts to set your metric barometer and then make adjustments such as one week post twice as much and another two-thirds as much. By doing this and reviewing stats you will become wise to your users wants and needs so that you never abuse feeds. Remember, it needs to be enjoyable like a tasty snack and not a constant buffet.
  • Try a Video – A video? On Instagram? But I thought this was a picture site? Instagram is a very engaging site that focuses on the visual which means pictures and The benefit of a video is that it can tell a whole story in 15 seconds.
  • Tell a Story – One of the most powerful aspects of images is that they allow for storytelling. Pictures and videos are a terrific medium to tell a story about your brand and its products. That means using the right colors and layouts along with captions and hashtags. You can incorporate feeling as well as just products to forge a connection with users.
  • Partner with a Cause – Lots of people love a good cause and by finding one that resonates with your brand on a personal level can help form a very powerful partnership. You can then incorporate that connection with pictures that demonstrate aligned values, what your company stands for, what it supports, etc to help connect with like-minded users.
  • Interact with other Gramers – Social media is about being social. That means following your followers and interacting with them on their pages as well as yours. Engagement is a two-way street so take the time to be active by commenting on people’s accounts, re-gramming images with credit, etc to create a better bond.
  • Include CTAs – A wise marketer understands the power of a good call-to-action. When you are using any social media platform you need to remember to include regular CTA’s so that users take the next step you want them to. You can’t just hope that people will make a purchase; you need to provide the tools so that they can!
  • Learn all the Options – There are a lot of advertising options on Instagram and it is wise to spend some time learning about the range of formats available. Each one can be used differently and it is a good bet will have varying degrees of effectiveness depending on your users. Try them out making sure to track their metrics to learn what resonates best with your audience.
  • Only Post Winners – The smart money says you should only post great content. Posts that look like ads will be treated like ads – ignored. In this case it is all about amazing, inspiring visuals that attract attention that are then accented with just the right tagline. Don’t just repackage existing material simply to have something posted! Take the time to craft concept-driven imagery that gives a consistent message.

There you have it, our 10 hot tips for your Instagram Ad Campaigns that will get your business off to a running start on this mega-hot platform.

Published on: January 4th, 2016
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10 Hot Tips For Your Instagram Ad Campaigns
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