
Amazon Stores and Marketplace Launch

Amazon Stores and Marketplace Launch

Amazon is one of the leading online marketplaces. More than 40 percent of online sales happen on Amazon. The forecast for the next few years tells Amazon will dominate almost 50 percent of the US e-commerce market.

For this reason, it is advantageous to sell in Amazon even for established brands. Amazon users have strong buying intents, even the ones that only intend to search for product information.

Establishing an Amazon Store has similarities to the process of establishing your very own e-commerce store. But the key difference is that you are establishing a store in a very competitive marketplace with its own rules, search algorithm, and marketing advantages.

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What Amazon Stores and Marketplace Launch Services Entail

What difference can a professional Amazon Store management bring? The service we offer is a modern necessity. In the past, companies managed their own e-commerce listings in their own e-commerce stores. But Amazon changed this. More and more companies sell and promote their brands in Amazon. And most of the time, they don’t do it on their own. Behind almost every successful new Amazon Store is an Amazon Stores and Marketplace Launch manager that optimizes and supports the store and the company behind it.

If this all sounds daunting for you, Lounge Lizard’s Amazon Marketing Specialists are willing to help you launch, manage, and optimize your Amazon Store. Whether you are launching or relaunching your Amazon Store, don’t make the beginner mistake of discounting the need for professional help.


Unsure if this is something that you need? Just take a look at these benefits and advantages that a professional launch and account management service can provide:

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Product promotions are one of the best ways to sell more products but how will you decide on what product to promote? Amazon store and account management services provide you with tools to manage your product listings and customize your product displays.

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Become the Amazon Store of choice by creating immersive shopping experiences. It is only through a professional store setup and management service that you can deliver these seamless, and hassle-free shopping experiences from product search to after-sales services.

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Your Amazon store can serve as an extension of your e-commerce store or company website. Your storefront and product page can more than that, though with social sharing buttons that encourage customers and visitors to talk about your products/store and engage to your brand using your official social media accounts.

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It’s not enough that your company has a presence in Amazon you need an optimized and well-managed store to drive sales and establish a share of the market. An optimized store and product listing perform better sales-wise because it receives more visibility as it is optimized according to Amazon’s search algorithm.

In order to achieve this, we offer three different Amazon stores and marketplace launch packages with deliverables for the management of your Amazon account. Included in all our plans are basic features like:
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Competitor Analysis

Our services begin even before you create your Amazon Store. Competitor analysis is an important process especially in a very competitive marketplace like Amazon. It involves the evaluation of your competitor’s products, marketing, advertising, and optimization strategies; storefront design, and their store’s overall performance.

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Amazon Store Creation and Setup

As a full-service web development company, Lounge Lizard’s team of award-winning designers will help you launch your Amazon store with custom storefront design, and branded UX design.

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Amazon Store Optimization

if you already have an existing Amazon Store, Lounge Lizard will perform a thorough store audit to identify any weaknesses in your store’s design and optimize your store to improve its performance especially in the aspect of visibility, branding, and sales generation.

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Amazon Store Listing Optimization

Real growth is only possible through the optimization of your entire product line. The optimization process includes the creation of compelling product copy, advantageous category and subcategory classification, and the addition of new products to your inventory.

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Digital Marketing Strategy Integration

As a full-service digital marketing company, Lounge Lizard will help you integrate you’re your content marketing and social media strategies to your Amazon marketing strategy. This will further enhance your Amazon Store’s performance and encourage its continuous growth.

The Lounge Lizard Advantage

Experience and expertise – Lounge Lizard always place these two in the forefront of our services. For over 20 years, we provided expert services and shared our experience in digital marketing and web design and development.

We now offer Amazon services with our team of highly experienced Amazon Marketing Specialists. Our commitment to providing quality services remains the same as we utilize data and results-driven strategies.

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